Joel Madden scrie o carte despre viata sa


Joel Madden. liderul trupei Good Charlotte, si iubitul lui Nicole Richie, lucreaza la o carte despre viata sa. “Va fi despre cele mai importante schimbari din viata mea: copiii, relatiile mele, despre mutarea mea in L.A. Nu voi lansa aceasta carte decat daca va fi valoroasa, sa insemne ceva pentru mine. Trebuie sa fie reala, nu poti lansa o carte doar de dragul de a face acest lucru”, declara Joel.

Nicole Sherzinger – din nou intr-un scandal


Necazurile se tin lant pentru fetele de la Pussycat Dolls. Dupa zvonurile privind iminenta lor despartire, acum este randul liderei trupei, Nicole Sherzinger sa fie implicata intr-un nou scandal. Una dintre fostele membre ale trupei, Kaya Jones, o insulta in mod direct pe Nicole in versurile primului sau single, “Hollywood Doll”. De asemenea Kaya a “imprumutat” imaginea lui Nicole si pentru videoclipul la aceasta piesa.


Paris Hilton sufera de grandomanie


Cu ocazia filmarilor unui material publicitar la noul sau documentar, “Paris, Not France”, Paris Hilton a dovedit ca poate fi si grandomana atunci cand isi doreste. Ea a afirmat ca numele fiicei lui Michael Jackson i-a fost dat dupa numele ei. Asta si pentru ca Michael era prieten cu mama lui Paris, Kathy Hilton. “Au fost buni prieteni inca de cand aveau 13 ani. Am crescut cunoscandu-l pe Michael foarte bine, iar cand fiica lui s-a nascut, dintotdeauna i-a placut numele Paris pentru ea. Asa ca a intrebat-o pe mama daca sunt de acord, fireste ca ea a spus da. Cred ca este o fetita tare draguta si sunt mandra ca avem acelasi nume.”

Amy Winehouse – hotarata sa renunte la droguri

amy winehouse

Amy Winehouse este hotarata sa renunte la dependenta de droguri, dupa o vizita din partea….fantomei lui Michael Jackson. Amy a declarat ca dintotdeauna a fost un mare fan al regretatului artist. “Niciodata nu m-am decis daca mi-am dorit sa fiu Michael Jackson sau daca sa ma casatoresc cu el. Nu-mi pasa de ceea ce spun oamenii pentru ca el este un geniu. In timpul vacantei sale in insulele Caraibe Amy le-a spus prietenilor ca l-a auzit pe Michael sfatuind-o sa isi faca ordine in viata. O sursa apropiata a declarat “Amy l-a auzit pe Michael spunandu-i ca, daca nu isi revine, va pierde totul.”

Interviu exclusiv : Ruslana


Castigatoare a Festivalului European de muzica – Eurovision, in 2004, Ruslana a devenit in scurt timp una dintre cele mai de succes artiste din zona balcanica. “Wild dances”, “The same star” sau “Moon of dreams” sunt doar cateva dintre exemplele de piese, de hituri ce, in timp, i-au crescut popularitatea. Am vorbit cu Ruslana in exclusivitate pentru WebWorks despre muzica ei, Carpati, Eurovision, dar si despre promovarea online. Recunosc ca a fost atat o onoare, cat si o mare placere pentru mine sa realizez acest interviu, pentru ca Ruslana este intr-adevar o artista care ma “inspira”:)

1. Hey Ruslana, thank you for giving us this interview. First of all, tell me, what has the winning of Eurovision Contest in 2004 really meant for you? Would you like to participate again in the next years?

It was a new beginning, a new start, not only for me, but also for my country. All my life changed in a moment, it became a superspeed machine with crazy wheels, and I drove it in my own rhythm. I felt the responsibility for the winning I’ve got. And my every step was to our new victory. I don’t want to bind all my life with Eurovision only and I don’t have to be on Eurovision stage to get a win again. It can be anything else in my music. And above all it’s to be sure of oneself.


2. You are known as the voice from the Carpathian mountains. How connected are you to this area?

I was born in the West of Ukraine. My father was born in Carpathian village, and it speaks for itself. My deeply roots gets involved with magic Carpathian history, and of course all this points has exerted on my music.

3. What is the most important thing for you: the originality or the passion?

My wild passion is alive in me, and this is my originality. But I can’t be original without my passion.

4. What does it mean for you, as an artist, to be signed with a major record company like Warner Music?

It’s a great chance to build success career and to provide artist with ample opportunity. In my case I’ve got the support of experienced company. But even if I have the possibility to cooperate with Warner, it’s only means I must to work better. It means my music must to meet a demand of the world artist.


5. Which is your favourite song from your repertoire and why?

It depends on my unsteady mood. Sometimes I like to be romantic, but it’s more inherent in me to stay a wild girl. Therefore I’m listening Wild Energy, and I don’t want to single out one song because it is whole project integrate in one idea.


6. Your shows are full of wild energy. Where does it come from and what do you feel when you are on stage?

When I’m on the stage my real feelings are doubling. The public creates especial infused mood, and I’m kindling with my emotions and wild-wild energy.

7. How did you get to collaborate with T-Pain and Missy Elliott?

During last years I have working on Hit Factory Criteria Studio, where I have met T-Pain once. Our meeting became a start of great cooperation. First of all we created the single Moon of Dreams together. And after the single’s recording we decided to make a video. It was two long shooting days in Kiev and Los Angeles. We have worked with the fire, with the water, and with pyrotechnical effects. It was huge mountains decorations with one tone of the ground in the film studio. I know the single was popular in Poland and Czech Republic.


The track The Girl That Rules feat Missy Elliott is preparing to be a new video, but I keep the main idea in a secret.


8. You’ve come to Romania once with the Golden Stag last year. What are now your opinion about our country and music here?

Last year I have performed in Romania many times. «Golden Stag Festival» is one of the most popular music festivals in Europe. I was absolutely surprised by all kind of organization. The sound and the light looked more then well. Certainly the level of the even was a very high, and it was comfortable to work on such activities.


9. What are your plans for the near future?

I’m planning to visit USA and Canada with new concert show in July and August. After the trip I will plan to shoot a new video.

10. You have a very beautiful site, What do you think about the online promotion of the artists? Have you considered to also make a blog in order to communicate with your fans?

Thank you for your good opinion! You know, I haven’t enough time to communicate with my fans in forums and blogs, but I’m meeting them on my concerts with a big pleasant.

11. Share a message for all your Romanian fans!

Be WILD and welcome to Ukraine!

Thank you Ruslana!


Katie Holmes in ipostaza de dansatoare


Actrita Katie Holmes, sotia celebrului Tom Cruise, a demonstrat ca detine si talentul de dansatoare, in cadrul emisiunii “So You Think You Can Dance?”. Katie Holmes, si-a dorit sa-i aduca un omagiu vedetei marelui ecran, Judy Garland, si a interpretat hit-ul acesteia, “Get Happy”. Aparitia ei a fost descrisa drept una stilata si sexy. “Acesta este un omagiu pe care il aduc lui Judy Garland. Imi place sa cant si sa dansez si aceasta experienta este extraordinara”, a declarat Katie.


Sienna Miller pe coperta Nylon Magazine


Sienna Miller, vedeta din filmul “G I Joe”, apare pe coperta noului numar al revistei Nylon Magazine. Referitor la noul ei rol si film, Sienna declara “Este extraordinar sa joci intr-un film pe care oamenii doresc sa il vada. In trecut am fost nevoita sa platesc oamenii sa imi vada filmele…unii mari directori si-au dorit sa ma includa in productiile lor, dar daca nu detii un buget considerabil, nu obtii ok-ul din partea marilor studiouri. Daca iti doresti sa realizezi filme extraordinare, artistice, trebuie sa ai parte de credibilitate pe partea de box office, ceea ce eu nu detin.”

Megan Fox a refuzat rolul din noul "James Bond"

 Megan Fox

Megan Fox, vedeta hot din “Transformers”, a refuzat recent oferta facuta cu privire la un rol in noul film James Bond, film ce se va numi “Bond 23”. Tabloidele zvonesc faptul ca Megan si-a dorit sa fie personajul central din acst film, si nu privita doar ca pe un trofeu. Un oficial din partea actritei a declarat ca zvonurile nu sunt adevarate. Nu au existat nici un fel de discutii in acest sens, iar Megan este o fana a seriei James Bond.