Perez Hilton isi lanseaza o casa de discuri


Perez Hilton, celebrul blogger de monden din State, descoperitorul lui Mika si Lady Gaga si actualul dusman al celor de la Black Eyed Peas, isi lanseaza o casa de discuri, fapt confirmat de catre cei de la Warner Music. “Am ureche muzicala, ceea ce este foarte important in aceasta industrie – sa poti distinge un hit si sa poti spune daca o piesa este buna sau nu. Sunt de asemenea un om de afaceri, un manager”, a declarat Perez. Primul artist semnat cu casa lui de discuri va fi anuntat la sfarsitul lunii, Perez intentionand sa realizeze si un turneu.

The Killers lupta impotriva traficului uman


Baietii din trupa The Killers impreuna cu MTV Exit, Unicef si USAID au realizat un videoclip cu mesaj social. Ei militeaza impotriva traficului uman, prezent intr-o proportie din ce in ce mai mare in lume. Videoclipul se numeste “Goodnight, Travel Well” si este realizat de catre David Slade. “Speram ca datorita eforturilor MTV-ului si acestui videoclip pe care milioane de oameni de pe glob il vor vedea, lumea va afla mai multe despre aceasta forma de sclavie a zilelor noastre” au declarat The Killers.

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Interviu exclusiv: Crazy Win


Trupa Crazy Win reprezinta unul dintre proiectele noi ale compozitorilor momentului, baietii de la Play&Win. Bogdan, Nony si Sore au cucerit in scurt timp cu piesa “Beautiful lover” topurile de specialitate si promit din ce in ce mai multe surprize frumoase. Astazi “vin” la noi intr-un nou interviu in exclusivitate.

1. Va puteti descrie ca fiind la fel de “crazy” ca si numele proiectului vostru muzical?

CRAZY WIN: Categoric. Toti trei avem o doza considerabila de nebunie si spontaneitate si ceea ce ne caracterizeaza e umorul uneori ironic pe care il impartasim. Avem replica pt orice :)

2. Care credeti voi ca au fost motivele reale pentru care piesa “Don’t cry”nu a ajuns in Selectia Nationala Eurovision 2009?

CRAZY WIN: Poate a fost privita piesa ca un gen putin inovator, futurist in ceea ce priveste Eurovisionul. Dar s-au inselat. Dupa cum am vazut, Europa vrea tinere talente care aduc prospetime in stilurile deja epuizate.


3. Cui ii este dedicata piesa “Beautiful lover’?

CRAZY WIN: Fiecare avem cate un beautiful lover.


4. Cand ati demarat acest proiect nu va fost teama ca s-ar putea produce o oarecare confuzie intre voi si cei de la Play&Win?

CRAZY WIN: Chiar si confuziile sunt bune pentru ca familia WIN e la mijloc :)

5. Care este segmental vostru de public tinta?

CRAZY WIN: Cred ca prindem in egala masura si pustanilor de generala si liceu cat si celor de varsta noastra, pana in 25 de ani.


6. Am vazut pe blogul vostru ca scrieti despre moartea tragica a lui Michael Jackson. Ce a insemnat “the king of pop” pentru voi?

Regele sau Wacko Jacko cum este numit de cei care il iubesc nu a murit ! Asta este clar…va ramane vesnic in inimile noastre si suntem mandrii ca am trait sa vedem si sa auzim o legenda un MEGASTAR. Bogdan: “sunt indurerat sa stiu ca muzica si-a pierdut tatal . nu am sa il uit pe Michael Jackson niciodata …asteptam concertele din iulie si iata ca nu a mai apucat sa isi incheie cariera in glorie asa cum si-a dorit… Din pacate in ultimii ani a avut o viata chinuita …dar acum se odihneste printre legende. Nu il judecati dupa viata lui tumultoasa ci dupa ce a insemnat “ Michael Jackson pe scena “ !! R.I.P MJ.

7. Apropo de blog….credeti ca blogurile reprezinta un trend sau viitorul in comunicare?

CRAZY WIN: Daaaa. Dintre noi 3, Bogdan e seful cu blogul.

8. Stiu ca fiecare dintre voi are studii muzicale. De fapt cat de mult conteaza aspectul asta pentru industria romaneasca de azi?

CRAZY WIN: Pentru ca incepem sa evoluam ca si industrie, e foarte important sa intelegi muzica, nu numai sa o canti. Si in plus, unpluggedurile sunt mult mai misto. Ce sens are sa bagi cd-ul si sa faci playback. oamenii vor sa vada un show, melodia sa sune altfel.

9. Care sunt planurile voastre de viitor?

CRAZY WIN: Sa cucerim Romania si apoi restul Europei.

10.Un mesaj pentru toti cei care va iubesc muzica!

CRAZY WIN: Stay Crazy and Win! :)


Multumim Crazy Win! Asteptam in continuare lucruri cat mai crazy&cool din partea voastra!

Anda Adam canta in memoria lui Michael Jackson

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Pentru ca idolul sau este Michael Jackson si pentru ca nu vrea si nu poate sa creada ca acesta nu mai este printre noi, dupa cum chiar ea declara, timp de o luna de zile Anda Adam va include in toate spectacolele sale un moment cu totul si cu totul special: va interpreta piesa “Will You Be There” in memoria marelui artist. Pe langa acest tribut adus Regelui Muzicii Pop, Anda si trupa sa de dansatori a pregatit si o coregrafie care sa intregeasca momentul, moment prin care artista si echipa sa doresc sa ii transmita cat de mult il iubesc. “Pentru mine Michael a insemnat enorm. A fosta ca un membru al familiei mele si in mare masura datorita lui am inceput sa cant.”, marturiseste artista. “Am si o filmare cu mine de la 14 ani in care sunt imbracata exact ca el si dansez intocmai ca Michael. Imi pregateam serbarea scolara si am rugat-o pe mama sa-mi ia paiete lunguiete aurii si sa-mi faca epoleti ca ai lui. Ca sa nu mai spun ca toata camera mea era plina numai cu postere cu el.”, completeaza aceasta. In semn de pretuire pentru Micheal Jackson, Anda a mers sambata pe stadionul Iolanda Balas pentru a-i aduce un omagiu, alaturi de miile de fani veniti pentru a viziona concertul artistului din 1992 de pe Stadinul Lia Manoliu. Artista a adus cu ea flori si a aprins lumanari in memoria marelui cantaret. “Pacat ca oamenii nu stiu sa protejeze si sa iubeasca asemenea valori care au fost trimise de Dumnezeu pe pamant. Altul ca el nu se va mai naste, sunt sigura de asta.”, declara artista. In ceea ce priveste cariera sa muzicala, alaturi de MediaPro Music, Anda Adam pregateste un nou single de pe albumul “Queen Of Hearts”, piesa ce va fi lansata pe piata in toamna acestui an. Olivia Stoica – Media Pro Music

Interviu exclusiv: Vika Jigulina


Vika Jigulina face parte din staff-ul Vibe Fm, s-a lansat ca voce o data cu Edward Maya pentru super hitul “Stereo love” si va fi singura dj-ita ce va participa la Liberty Parade 2009. “Vine” la noi intr-un nou interviu in exclusivitate.

1. Provii din Republica Moldova. Cum percepi tu industria muzicala de aici vs industria muzicala de acolo?

Povestea e un pic mai complicata: parintii mei sunt rusi, mama locuieste in R.Moldova, iar tata in Moscova. Inainte sa ma mut in Romania am stat si in Republica Moldova si in Moscova. Ceea ce pot sa zic este faptul ca limba romana am invatat-o in Romania, Timisoara. Tot in Timisoara am absolvit liceul si facultatea. Nu vreau sa fiu rea, dar in Moldova nu prea exista industria muzicala, din cauza lipsei oportunitatii de afirmare.

2. Cine este de fapt Vika Jigulina?

DJ-itza de la Vibe Fm, am avut noroc sa stiu muzica si aici ma refer nu numai strict la partea de dj-iala :)

3. Consideri ca in Romania dj-itzele reprezinta un punct de interes mai mare?

E vorba de meserie…daca esti stapan pe ceea ce faci nu conteaza sexul.

4. Cu ce stil muzical cochetezi cel mai bine?



5. Care au fost inceputurile tale in lumea mixatului?

Am inceput 2002 cu primul gig in Transnistria (cat timp a trecut :)…. Dupa aceea am avut o serie de rezidente in cluburile timisorene mixand cu artisti internationali precum: Steve Murrano , Tom Craft, ATB, DJ Dox si altii. Dorinta de a obtine mai mult decat aveam m-a facut sa ma mut in Bucuresti si mai departe lucrurile s-au legat exact cum trebuie…mai multe seturi la radio DEEA iar apoi a urmat emisiunea saptamanala la Vibe FM.


6. Cum s-a ajuns la colaborarea cu Edward Maya?

Edward m-a cautat pentru o propunere interesanta pe care am materializat-o in piesa “Stereo Love”.


7. Va urma un album complet semnat Vika Jigulina?
Nu zic nu…Nu e nimic stabilit la fel cum nu exista nimic imposibil :)

8. Cu cine ti-ai dori sa colaborezi pe viitor?

Am idei si sunt realizabile, insa nu sunt omul care-si face planuri.

9. Vei participa in calitate de dj la Liberty Parade? Ce parere ai despre acest eveniment?

Cel mai tare eveniment ca si dimensiune, sunet, lumini, ca si concept de show la momentul de fata din Romania. Va fi a 3-a editie de Liberty Parade la care voi paricipa si sunt singura fata- dj prezenta la acest frumos eveniment.

10. Un mesaj pentru toti sustinatorii tai si toti cititorii WebWorks!

Orice artist are nevoie de public, datorita fanilor existam, iar noi, artistii, facem ca publicul sa vibreze! Ascultati numai muzica buna! Vika Jigulina


Multumim Vika! Keep up the good things you do!

Inna – primita regeste in Moscova

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In Rusia, temperatura a crescut cu cateva grade ca urmare a aparitiei INNEI intr-unul dintre cluburile de elita, unde a sustinut un concert pentru fanii sai moscoviti. Inca de la sosirea pe aeroport, INNA a fost asteptata cu fastul unei vedete de talie internationala, organizatorul rasfatand-o pe INNA, mult peste cerintele normale transmise de Roton. Chiar daca programul INNEI a fost foarte incarcat, printre interviurile acordate posturilor de radio, aparitii in presa, dar si un interviu pentru cea mai importanta televiziune muzicala , MUZ TV, vizitarea Pietei Rosii a Kremlinului a fost unul dintre putinele momente de respiro de care s-a bucurat. In geamurile limuzinei care a purtat intreaga echipa prin Moscova se oglindeau cladirile istorice, ceea ce a si determinat o sedinta foto instantanee, pentru o publicatie ruseasca, la initiativa unui jurnalist ce o insotea pe INNA. Publicul a fost adus in extaz cand primele acorduri ale piesei ‘HOT’ s-au făcut auzite in clubul exclusivist, ‘HOT’ fiind inca in topul radiourilor din Rusia si devanseaza cu succes piese ale unor nume internationale, care au o cariera de invidiat la activ. Dupa prima aparitie in capitala Rusiei, unde INNA este idolatrizata de fanii sai, si ca o incununare a succesului de care se bucura, Roton a semnat un contract de promovare cu o casa de discuri din Moscova in ceea ce o priveste pe INNA, ca o continuare a celorlalte succese inregistrate pana acum in Europa. Pe agenda INNEI pentru perioada urmatoare se afla evenimentele din Turcia, Polonia, Germania, Spania, Ungaria, dar si prezenta pe litoralul romanesc alaturi de fanii din Romania. INNA si echipa ei s-au intors cu diverse suveniruri, printre care si celebrele papusi Matrioska, organizatorii oferindu-i, la randul lor, o astfel de papusa care sa se adauge la colectia pe care INNA o are deja. Roton

Interviu exclusiv: Tara Mcdonald


Asa cum v-am promis astazi publicam in exclusivitate un super interviu in exclusivitate cu vocea momentului in lumea clubbing, Tara Mcdonald. A colaborat cu Dj de top ca: Armand Van Helden, Axwell sau David Guetta. In prezent este cunoscuta drept “vocea” imnului Liberty Parade 2009. Se va reintoarce in Romania pentru a sustine un concert cu ocazia Romanian Top Hits de la Bacau. Am vorbit cu Tara, fireste despre muzica, dar si despre fani, actiunile caritabile la care participa si multe alte lucruri interesante pe care le veti descoperi din interviul care urmeaza:

1. How do you feel to be the greatest female dj in the world ?

I’m actually not a DJ but a vocalist and a songwriter but have been lucky enough to work with some of the worlds best DJ/producers in house music. Even though I have a crazy job I see myself as a normal person and have a very real life as well as a glamorous one.

2. Why have you decided to first launch only as the voice behind the hits ?

Good question, well to be honest I didn’t plan my career to be this way. It just happened and I’m really glad for it. Sometimes you can try to do something and it just doesn’t work, but when you get on the right road things just fall into place. I had gone to a publishing meeting as I was sick on trying to make it as an artist and knew I could write songs, so thought I’d write for other people instead. I was given an Axwell track to write to, I co wrote a melody and lyric and the result of this was “feel the Vibe til the morning comes” which was released on MOS in 2005. That made me think, maybe I can do this and shouldn’t give up being a singer after all!


3. You have many collaborations with famous dj’s and producers like Axwell, or Armand van Helden. Which of them could you say that has had a great influence on you and your vision about music ?

My last single release was with David Guetta called “Delirious” which I co wrote, it was such a fantastic experience working with David as he has such good energy and that is contagious. When he’s into something its 100%. He’s not someone that doesn’t want to share the spotlight, he really did a lot of good things for me and I’ll always be very grateful to him. I think I grew a lot in this time, making a music video, singing live on TV shows, this is probably the most I’ve felt like a pop star.


I never met Armand Van Helden when we made “my my my Funktuary” until earlier this year when we were both performing at Tiesto’s birthday in Germany and he’s really nice. I actually met him in New York too and he showed me his studio. It’s always interesting to see people’s working environments and ask them how they write music.


Everyone I’ve worked with has influenced me greatly. I write melody and lyrics so need a producer to collaborate with. Each person I’ve written with has left their mark, its difficult to pin point what I got from each person but each experience has made me a better artist and writer.

4. Now that you’ve got to Romania, once with the anthem for Liberty Parade 2009, what do you think about our country ?

I’ve been to Romania quite a few times already playing in nightclubs and always love coming! People are open and friendly and get into the music, as I’m touring when I’ve been over each trip has been fleeting so I’m looking forward to getting to know Romania better! I actually recorded the vocals for the Liberty Parade anthem in London though!


5. As a singer how do you feel that the musical industry has changed throughout the years ?

The music industry is changing and now of course people get a lot of their music from the internet and not a lot of people don’t buy music anymore so its harder for artists and record companies as there’s not as much money in the music business now. I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future, but I’m lucky I can perform live and that’s something you can’t download……


6. How did you get to collaborate with the dj’s on Vibe Fm ?

I was over in Bucharest playing at a club and had a radio interview in the day at Vibe FM. It was here that I met the producers and then they sent me the track when I got back to the UK and the rest is history.

7. What is your opinion about the online promoting? Is it the future of music ?

I think online promotion is great, its nice that artists are more approachable now and fans can get direct access to the people that they like. The internet has been both a blessing and a curse to music, the good thing though are its cheaper to send an MP3 than to make a vinyl record and music is so accessible now, if you want a record you can usually find it online without having to go to lots of independent record shops. As an artist you can have an online presence without having to spend lots of money. Things like myspace and you tube are free are a great way to advertise yourself. I think the record industry is going to continue to downsize, like Madonna famously sacked her record company and now just has a manager and a booking agent. Things are going to continue to change but if you make good music its possible to still have a career in the business.

8. I saw on your Facebook that you share beautiful messages with people that enjoy your music. What is your relation with your fans ?

I love my fans and I am so grateful to them, they give me so much support and love. I do like to keep in touch and answer each message personally. I truly believe that when I’m on stage the crowd and me are all the same, all part of an experience and we feed off each other. We give this amazing energy to each other and the more each of us give the bigger it gets! We are a team. I know I’m a very lucky person and to do a job that I love so much, I appreciate the fact that people “get” what I do. It still surprises me though, especially when you write a song in your bedroom and then you hear it on the radio or I go to a different country and people know the words….I’m living my dream, my fans let me do this!

9. How did you feel to share the same stage with Julio Iglesias at Wembley Arena ?

Wow that was a long, long time ago, I was 12yrs old. I used to take those things in my stride, it wasn’t a big deal to me then. I’d be riding my bike around the village with my friends one day and then playing Wembley Arena in London the next. Now I look back and realize that it was a really big deal. It was nice though to be so innocent as a kid as I really got to enjoy my childhood even though I was working as a singer.

10. I know that you are very fond of participating at charity events. Do you consider that artists and their music can be an effective support for those of us less fortunate ?

To be honest with you when you start getting older your motivations for success change. As a girl I wanted to be rich and famous, now I’m a woman I want to have a happy life and be a good person. I still want to be successful but my happiness no longer depends on being famous and that’s given me so much more freedom. It’s a completely different outlook to the who I used to have. Part of my motivation as an artist now is to help. Music can be shallow, “look at me, love me”…sometimes it can seem silly. But when I imagine the good that can come with the success I am hungry again. Don’t get me wrong, music is my passion, I live and breathe music. I need to be on stage and I need to write songs, but everything feels sweeter when you know your doing things for the right reasons. Music can change the world, it can change your emotions and how you feel. I really want to do more charity work and one day I hope to dedicate my life to helping children. This is my long term dream.

11. What are your plans for the future ?

My immediate plan is to make some amazing new records. Songs that will be around for years to come, that bring people together. My favorite dance records are like The Source feat Candi Staton, this record will be around forever and will keep getting remixed not only because it’s a classic but it’s a great crafted song. I want to make songs like this. Emotional music, with lyrics that are saying something. I’ve just signed my debut solo record deal with Hed kandi and Ministry of Sound. I’m working really hard in the studio writing and recording and hope to have my first release some time later this year. This is all I’m focussing on at the moment, its the next natural step.

12. Give a message for all your Romanian fans !

Thank you to everyone in Romania for supporting me and my music so far. Hope to see you all soon! Until then love and light. Tara xx

Thank you, Tara for this wonderful interview! Hope to see you soon in Romania!

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O puteti gasi pe Tara Mcdonald si pe conturile ei oficiale in online aici:

Tara Mcdonald Twitter
Tara Mcdonald Myspace
Tara Mcdonald Youtube
Tara Mcdonald Facebook official
Tara Mcdonald Facebook fan page

Ultima repetitie a lui Michael Jackson


Imagini in exclusivitate cu Michael Jackson pregatindu-se pentru ultimele show-uri ce urmau sa aiba loc la Londra au fost difuzate de CNN. Imaginile sunt filmate cu doua zile inaintea mortii artistului. Michael primise avizul medical favorabil pentru aceste concerte si era sigur ca poate face fata. Dorian Holley, cel care pregatea backing-vocalul lui Michael a declarat: “Era ca un copil intr-un magazin cu dulciuri, isi vedea visul cu ochii! Era tot numai o gluma, era plin de viata!”. Funeraliile lui Michael Jackson vor avea loc marti, 7 iulie, la Staples Center, locul ultimei sale repetitii.