Michael Jackson in salvare
A fost luat din propria resedinta ieri 25 iunie 2009. A murit astazi la spital, 26 iunie 2009.
Da, Michael Jackson a murit la varsta de 50 de ani
Showbizul american si fanii din intreaga lume sunt inmarmuriti. Michael Jackson, supranumit si “The king of pop” a suferit in seara aceasta un stop cardio-respirator, si, conform mai multor comunicate de presa, nu a mai putut fi resuscitat. Michael, in varsta de 50 de ani, se pregatea sa sustina o serie de 13 concerte la Londra. CNN a precizat acum cateva minute ca Michael a decedat.
Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca in pace.
We lost a great entertainer and a pop icon. My thoughts and prayers go out to Michael Jackson’s family, friends and fans. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Michael Jackson showed me that you can actually see the beat. He made the music come to life!! He made me believe in magic. I will miss him! Diddy
His music is just as relevant now as it was the day they pressed record, I’m sure it will remain so for generations to come. R.I.P. Mr Jackson. Samantha Ronson
I’m dedicating my show 2night to Michael Jackson. THRILLER got me laid. Well… At least thats what I told my friends. Dane Cook
the world has suffered a GREAT loss today Michael Jackson my thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, and fans God bless. Heidi Montag
Rest In Peace Mike. People can say what they want but you were 100% original. WE will always love , miss & remember your GREATNESS. Ice T
Dazed in the studio. A major strand of our cultural DNA has left us. RIP MJ. I think we’ll mourn his loss as well as the loss of ourselves as children listening to Thriller on the record player. John Mayer
So sad. Saying a prayer for Michael Jackson. Ashley Tisdale
Michael Jackson was my inspiration. love and blessings Miley Cyrus
If it were not for Micheal Jackson I would not be where or who I am today.His Music and Legacy will live on Forever.Prayers to the fam R.I.P. Ludacris
I have no words.. I loved Michael Jackson … RIP … MC Hammer
Michael you left such a legacy on this earth, have touched SO MANY!!! We thank you for such a driving inspiration in music & our lives!! This has got to be one of the saddest days in music history!! Michael Rest In Peace! WE miss you! Kelly Rowland
Death comes to all. But great achievements build a monument.” He IS and WAS the greatest entertainer of all times…Peace to you brother. Star Jones
NO OMG … sending my love and prayers out to Michael and his family … i feel sick … Lindsay Lohan
My prayers, my love, my heart goes out to michael jackson and the entire jackson family. I pray so hard for them. I’m crushed! Please pray. Marlon Wayans
Prayers and thoughts with michael jackson … I haven’t hope in so long that news isn’t true. Pete Wentz
Wow I am truly in shock that Michael Jackson has passed away! I love u Jackson family, my prayers are with the whole family! Kim Kardashian
Rip Sending love and light to family and friend but especially his kids. Ashton Kutcher
The hard thing about getting older is watching all those who inspired you pass, love to the jackson family. Shanna Moakler
Rest in peace Farrah Fawcett & Michael Jackson. Condolences to their families. Rachelle Lefevre